How AI is revolutionizing video surveillance industry

IC Realtime | 2018-03-26

Meet Ella. Nope, she isn’t a real girl, but she is very smart. Ella is a cloud-based artificial intelligence service that uses deep machine learning to analyze and search video surveillance. She understands natural language and can instantly find video in the time it takes you to type a word. For example, if I simply type in ‘police,’ she will fetch all the video clips where police are present. Ella recognizes other things like shapes, objects, and will even send notifications when a thief breaks into a business.

You see, Ella’s deep learning intellect works the same way ours does, but she does it faster and with better recall. She can recognize important objects like vehicle make and models, attributes like hair color, and types of clothing. By giving her a little training, her AI improves. Providing feedback on her search results makes Ella smarter and faster as she learns to find the right video.

Most cameras only record about two minutes' worth of interesting video per day. In the past, it could take hours to review and find the desired video. With Ella and a few keystrokes, that video can be found in seconds. What a difference!

And, if that wasn’t enough, she can also guard parking lots or buildings. Simply identify the area you want to keep safe and her built-in analytics will monitor the area.

The best part about this revolutionary AI video search is that it works with almost any video technology platform, which means it doesn’t matter who made your equipment. Also, Ella does not send large video files up to the cloud which could hog your Internet connection. Instead, she analyzes your video in real-time on your network and only sends up something called Meta-data, which is a kind of text information that is much smaller than video.



Ella is causing the surveillance industry to turn its head. She’s truly beautiful. So, let us know if you want a date…we mean a demo…with Ella today.



Tags: smartella, ella, deep machine learning, AI, video search engine, hardware agnostic, metedata

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