How to provide security to schools and universities with today’s technology

IC Realtime | 2018-03-19

School and campus security are at the forefront of everyone’s mind, and today’s surveillance cameras are the perfect solution to help protect students and teachers. Cameras can quickly identify dangerous activity and provide security personnel with the ability to respond immediately. Surveillance video can identify who is the perpetrator, the victim, and what really happened.

Unfortunately, school campuses can experience dangerous situations like active shooters, civil unrest, rape, theft, and car break-ins. Also, many campuses are in high crime neighborhoods where students can become targets. Video surveillance has become an integral part of protecting students and teachers from harm.

Modern surveillance cameras feature super high resolutions which can resolve extreme detail like faces and license plates at a distance. At the heart of these high-performance cameras is the Network Video Recorder, which can store months of super-high-resolution video that gives law enforcement the evidence they need to make prosecutions stick.

Just having well-placed cameras throughout a campus helps discourage negative behaviors like vandalism and physical violence because students and visitors alike understand that someone is watching them as they move through campus.


IC Realtime has been providing effective security video systems to campuses worldwide making sure law enforcement has all the video information they need to keep students and teachers safe. Our complete security camera line features everything from 4K super high-resolution cameras that can resolve extreme detail from afar, to deep learning video analysis tools that give law enforcement an extra edge.

Deep learning and artificial intelligence are bringing all new benefits like search engine style video search to the surveillance industry. By implementing real-time artificial intelligence video analysis — which can analyze video instantly — users can enter search parameters into an Internet browser and receive video results in the blink of an eye. Our virtual brain can review months of video in seconds. The system can even read the side of vehicles and let you search by text. In addition, our AI system can alert users to alarms when someone goes somewhere they are not supposed to be. This means that by combining deep machine learning with video, we are making surveillance even more powerful and instantaneous.

In our next installment, we will discuss in-depth how our company is doing AI the right way and how machine learning is taking the surveillance game to a whole new level.

Stay tuned.

Tags: School Security, Campus Security, Student Security, Teacher Security,

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